Counselling in asylum law

I. What we advice

Preparation for hearings

Our advice on asylum law specifically prepares asylum seekers and refugees for their hearing before the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).
For this purpose we offer personal counselling interviews for our clients during our office hours.

Other asylum-related problems

However, you can also contact us with other concerns regarding the asylum law.
Then we will – depending on the case – help you or, if necessary, put you in touch with the responsible contact persons.

II. Your options for requesting legal advice

  1. Firstly, you can use the contact form below to contact us in writing.
  2. Another option is to call us. Please note that no one will pick up the phone at the number below, but you will be immediately forwarded to the mailbox where you can leave a message. You can reach out to us at 0160 9828 1941.
  3. Finally, you have the possibility to contact us personally during our consultation hours. We may not have time for you if you haven't made an appointment in advance. Please make an appointment beforehand.

III. Procedure of the consultation and consultation hours

Verbal consultation

In person consultation is regularly provided during our consultation hours. Find our consultation hours here

1. consultation hour: *currently by appointment only*
Time: Every Wednesday from 18.00 – 21.00 h, during the semester break from 18.00 – 20.00 h
Location: Rooms of the „Asylarbeitskreis“, Plöck 101, 69117 Heidelberg

2. consultation hour: *currently suspended*
Time: Every 3rd Tuesday of the month from 20.00 h
Location: Asylcafé Mannheim, Mittelstraße 24, 68169 Mannheim

Any changes to our consultation hours will be announced on our homepage.

Consider that we may not have time for you during consultation hours if you have’nt made an appointment in advance. Please make an appointment in advance.

Written consultation

Furthermore, we offer advice via e-mail. This possibility is especially aimed at refugees, volunteers and full-time staff with more profound questions. For this you can reach us via the contact form below.

Tell us your problem

and use this contact form to make a consultation request

    How did you hear about us?

    Pro Bono Heidelberg e.V.