Consulting in civil and administrative law

I. General conditions of the consultation

What we consult

You are welcome to contact us for legal questions in the field of civil law (also includes labour law) and administrative law (also includes social law). Our consultation is free of charge.

If you have any questions regarding Asylum Law, you will find help  here.

What we do not consult

  • cases with value in dispute over 1000 €.
  • also cases in which no indigence can be established
  • cases with urgent deadlines (i.e. at least deadlines of less than one month)
  • and cases involving tax, criminal or regulatory offences

II. Your ways of requesting legal advice

Two ways

  1. First you can use the contact form below to contact us in writing.
  2. You can also make a vocal request by telephone. In this case you can simply leave a message on the mailbox, giving us your name and telephone number. We will then call you back within three working days. You can reach us at 0178 8765910.


In spite of the possibility of requesting advice by telephone, the advice will still only be given in writing (see below under III. Procedure of the consultation). Up to now, our consultation hours are unfortunately only available for matters relating to asylum law.

III. Procedure of the consultation

The consultation is exclusively in written form by e-mail. A verbal consultation does not take place. In detail, the consultation is carried out as follows

  1. First of all, we take up your request, which has reached us in writing or orally through the channels mentioned under II. above, and check whether the general conditions for consultation mentioned under I. above are fulfilled.
  2. We will then write to you to let you know whether we can provide a consultation or – if not – what reasons prevent this.
  3. If we are able to provide a consultation, a team of consultants (regularly two members) is sought within the association. (Since we work voluntarily in our spare time, it can happen, however, that in individual cases no team of advisors can be found).
  4. The team of consultants will contact you, clarify your facts further if necessary (insofar as this has not yet been done – in particular through your inquiry) and will finally ask you to issue us with a (free) consultancy assignment after you have read our General Terms of Mandate.
  1. The team of consultants will then carry out a legal examination on the basis of your statements. For this purpose, a written expert opinion is regularly prepared, which clearly explains the legal situation of your problem and shows various options for action with reference to their advantages and disadvantages. (As a matter of principle, therefore, we do not assume any representation of your person towards third parties).
  2. The result of the legal examination will be reviewed by one of our advisors (a fully qualified lawyer, i.e. a person who has completed his legal studies and legal training) and the team of advisors will then send it to you by e-mail.
  3. After completion of the consultation, your case data will be archived in a completely anonymous form in order to provide future consultants with clues and suggestions for solutions. This enables us to guarantee even more efficient consulting in the future. (If you do not wish such archiving, you can object to it at any time).

You can find our General Terms and Conditions of Mandate (GTCM) here

Contact form

Here you can describe us your problem in civil or administrative law and make a request for consultation

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    Pro Bono Heidelberg e.V.